Recently, on, in trying, for free mind you, to assist my lovely neighbors by providing some groovy health tips, I was hit with such negativity and actual slander from strangers, that it astounded me.
The primary abuse came from an alleged personal trainer. I say alleged as one would assume a personal trainer worth the salt in his sweat would require a modicum of training, certainly enough to have grasped at least 85% of what I was saying, such as how sugar and sodas and too much protein can put your body into glycation and age you.
It did not matter where I studied, I was crap because my 'product' that I was selling was my body of knowledge. And I wasn't selling anything at all, I was providing what I felt to be useful or interesting information for free, stuff that I had either just learned or had reconfirmed for me in a recent seminar and I was excited to share it out.
Where did all that anger, miss-direction and fear of what they didn't know come from? Kind words were twisted and people who didn't bother to visit my link and read about my experience slammed me. I had no training, I was not accredited, I was stupid, white trash and practicing witch-craft, oh and the product I am selling is crap.
I have deactivated my account, but the reason I bring the story up is that sometimes, we live in discord when peace will give us extended (and a far better quality) life. And, as we see here in the situation noted above, even when we are actively embracing living in peace, things happen that catch us unawares.
Sometimes we are bursting with energy and a great thought, truth or topic we wish to share and it hurts a lot when our spirit of joy is squashed down. It can be quite shocking how badly a great message can end up received and many times through no fault of your own, with the words chosen with care, a smile in your heart and a twinkle in your eye.
When I provide great knowledge that helps someone gain peace in their lives, a client, for example, that tastes their first green juice and hires me to help them set up their kitchen for a plant based diet, seeing their radiance and peace gives me a boost right back.
I am building a business as a plant based Lifestyle Consultant. So while I would still provide free information, it does mean that in an attempt to spread the word faster, I am on various pages and in various circles, trying to build my practice.
Sometimes we step out in faith, in love and give. And sometimes, rather than feeling that love right back, we reach out in love to others and it backfricken fires. But it's all good. You are still a value add and somebody still admires and loves you, just not those people.
Watch for affirmations! I do not believe in accidents. I don't know all the whys and what nots, but I do take things to be clues as to which way, for my future, should I now move? Hit with such insult and anger, I was dejected, hurt and re-thinking my reasons for being a lifestyle consultant. Maybe I should just rescue animals instead of people, animals are far more emotionally intelligent and grateful. So I walked my dog and this neighbor who was not on Nextdoor, who didn't read my post and didn't know I was a plant based lifestyle consultant, came out of her house and began discussing the very things I had just posted the other day! Then she handed me the article from the Wall Street Journal about it! Coincidence? I don't believe in such!
Perhaps I'll stay at this work a little while longer.
By the way, if you are seeking peace, yoga & meditation cannot
be beat. I highly recommend this book. I read
alot of books and pass them forward. This is one I hold on to and refer to often. Baron Baptiste trained my original yoga trainer and I love his style.
Baron's book, 40 Days To Personal Revolution, is filled with great information.