Thursday, August 23, 2018

Supplements - Synthetic Vs Plant-Based

Are you concerned about the quality of your supplements?  Are you vegan and find it frustrating to assure that there isn't anything animal based in the supplements you take?  Do synthetic vitamins provide the same quality as plant-based supplements?
About Me - I have been primarily organic with food and skincare the last 25 years and completely detoxed my home care about 20 years ago. Most of my life I lived primarily vegetarian and spent all of 2016 studying with Hippocrates Health Institute.  Hippocrates was a life-changing experience for me, where I learned how the higher up the food chain we eat (other animals) that we increase our body burden of toxins stored in our fat.  Plants do not store toxins the same way animals do.  When we filter our nutrients through another animals body, rather than getting those vitamins and minerals directly from the source (plants) we increase the body burden because our bodies, as animals, store anything that cannot be detoxed right away, into our fat to protect the entire system from shutting down. 
No matter how cleanly you eat, you have a body burden.  The entire planet is polluted to a greater or lesser degree because of factory farming and an onslaught of chemicals in our air, soil and water which all move, they know no borders.
Therefore, we all must supplement to aid our bodies in getting the highest nutrition (soil erosion has wiped out vitamins and minerals) and help our DNA remain strong and repair.  If you plan on rearing children, your kids will also thank you for that genetic boost because that will be passed down!   On that note, I hear folks say that they have a history of heart disease or cancer and I want to assure you that 90-95% of cancer is from what you're exposed to and 5-10% is genetic.  The body wants to heal and survive so give it the tools.
Here are my rules: 
1)  Plant-based - The supplement must be plant-based and contain no synthetic ingredients because I believe the body, at a cellular level, doesn't adequately absorb them or see them as food. What you want are the full spectrum nutrients you would get if you were eating optimally.  Seeing NOS which is Naturally Occurring Standard certified, on the label lets you know the product is not synthetic.
2) Organic (or wildcrafted) - The supplement must be organic so I look for certification there.  The reason is that generally the quality of the supplement is going to be better, more nutritious and being organic let's me know it is non-GMO and that no pesticides were used.
3) Vegan - Both the product itself and whatever the softgel or capsule is made from should not be animal based.
4) Quality Control - How is the product sourced and how is it made, what is the process, or facility the supplement is made in because this matters to assure contaminates are minimized.
5) Value - I price check and ingredient check to come up with what I believe to be the best deal.
Back in the beginning of all supplements, every one was plant-based.  Then science found a way to synthesize nutrients which saves a ton of money but at what health cost?  Synthetics are a cheaper supplement to create because rather than harvesting live crops, the nutrients are synthesized in a lab.  They will tell you that doing things this way keeps the consistency, such as if one bottle has 500mg of C, the next batch will too because its a formula based on a synthetic and not a live plant where one plant is going to vary slightly from another.  While I do understand why synthetics are on the market,  in my training at Hippocrates, all synthetic based supplements were shunned.  The reason is that while we may know a particular thing, such as biotin is great, the issue is that when we take it as a synthetic, we are getting just biotin synthesized whereas when we take it in food form, from a plant, we are getting the full spectrum of nutrients in our supplement.  All things work together to form a whole.  This is how the body expects things to be because this is what happens naturally when we eat healthy food.  A salad, for example, will have numerous components, which the body knows how to break down and utilize.  As Hippocrates phrased it, "High doses are not required since biology's orchestration enables your cells to fully embrace the unified chorus of superior elements."
There are varied schools of thought but I believe that the body doesn't recognize, at a cellular level, a synthetic vitamin in the same way it would recognize it in food and therefore, will not absorb and utilize it the same way with the same effects. 
Hippocrates has their own brand, LifeGive,  which I use as well as reviewing and sourcing both through what I market as an Independent Consultant and online shopping.
Below is a link to Hippocrates if you are interested in going down the rabbit hole of knowledge.  The link will provide you with a free syllabus.
Essante and Miessence links below offer great organic and wildcrafted supplements and skin care and home care.
I'm available for any questions. ♥  


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