Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Domestic Abuse - The Quiet Version

Let's talk about domestic abuse. There is a picture that immediately comes to mind for most of us however there is a another, far quieter and equally deadly kind. It is when a loved one ceases to be a true partner. Every day we teach others how to treat us by what we do and don't accept. But loving someone who harms us is a tricky situation. We partner up for many reasons. One of them is to learn how to love more perfectly, we spend our lives learning to truly give of ourselves, to be less self-involved and come together in a giving nurturing spirit. There are a myriad of reasons and excuses for remaining stuck in old behaviors that no longer suit yourself and those around you. However, we....each of us, are called to our own personal brand of greatness! And time is of the essence! It's time to lose the bad behaviors that cause hurt anxiety and sadness for our family.

God sees the intent behind our actions and our heart is fully known to him. He sees your pains, your reasons, your potential used or squandered.

There is rain in everyone's life and there is also joyousness too. Sometimes there is more rain than there is joy and life is not always fair.

But I encourage everyone to be a true partner in life. Acknowledge your co-creation of your life as it stands. If you do not like your life so far know that it is up to you to change it . And if you are stuck in an abusive situation you may not be able to change the abuser but you can change your own personal direction .

We are all called to fully participate in life, fully participate with loved ones. We are also called to take very good care of ourselves; It is only from a position of strength within ourselves that we can be of the greatest benefit to others . Move past grief or anything else holding you back and engage as a support system for both yourself and those you love.

Choosing to remain in weakness drags you and your loved ones down and robs you the opportunity to truly shine the light that only you have.
A friend of mine has been in great pain carrying a heavy burden. Let this burden be lifted, and if you or someone you know is suffering, may the light of loved ones around you and them shine and joy and peace reign.

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